West King Edward Affordable Housing

This 100% secured market rental development comprises 36 units ranging from studios to three bedrooms. Density and massing respond to an adjacent “high-end” single-family residential zone to the west and a mixed-use commercial zoning to the east.

A 2-storey massing to the west steps up to 4-storeys along the east to match commercial density across a commercial lane. Based on a courtyard and roof garden typology, all units benefit from strong relationships to fresh air, natural light, landscape, and usable outdoor space. The architectural character and massing take cues from context, yet remains confident and contemporary. SHAPE Architecture is in the process of negotiating Development Cost Levy Waivers (DCL) and increases to density and massing by providing much-needed two and three bedroom units catering to families in this centrally located neighbourhood in Vancouver.

Wescorp Developments
Vancouver, BC
4000 m² / 43,000 ft²
Targeting LEED Gold