PROJECT UPDATE: Just West Townhouses

With all of the framing that has now gone up around the site, it is hard to miss the fast-paced construction of Just West Townhouses as you drive along W King Edward Avenue. The project consists of 6 three storey townhouses configured around a central mews, which provides a visual and pedestrian connection from W King Edward Avenue to the lane.

Here are some views of the envelope work that is beginning to take place on site: application of the air and vapour barrier has begun on Building 1, as well as the installation of the windows and other hardware. Plumbing and ductwork has also been put in place, and mechanical and electrical penetrations can be observed. Preparation is underway for the metal planters and AC units that will be located on the roof levels next to the doghouses.

Keep an eye out as the project continues to progress. To learn more, click here.