PROJECT UPDATE: Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Centre

SHAPE Architecture’s Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Centre is set to complete in June, with lodge patients inhabiting the building in July. While there are many aspects of the building that could be focused on, the feature Atrium Staircase is nearing completion and worth taking a closer look at for its process from concept to reality.

The various trades that made up the construction team involved in constructing the stair was just as complex as the stair composition itself. The stair assembly is comprised of structural steel stringers with a concrete deck, from which precast concrete is placed on top. The stair guards are made up of steel stub support posts and light gauge steel stud infill, and they are cladded with a white oak millwork. The complexity of assembling the various components was amplified due to the confined space the team had to work within.

The stair is the glue between the component parts of the building. It provides breakout spaces at each level to allow for moments of repose, chance encounter, and social interaction. It animates the building by bridging the gap between the various groups that inhabit it. Stay tuned as we approach completion of the entire building in the next months!