PROJECT UPDATE: Ash + 52/54 Townhouses

This proposed development spans from 52th Avenue to 54th Avenue along Ash street. As a large scale development across four city blocks, a thoughtful and considered approach to massing was required to create a unique and varied streetscape. The project recognizes the City of Vancouver’s mandate to enrich and enhance its existing laneways by strategically locating density along the lane, subverting traditional plot orientations.

In doing so a finer grain of urban development emerges, creating opportunities for more intimate scales of public space. These interstitial spaces allow for porosity throughout the site and are enlivened by vegetation and bioswales which follow the natural topography of the site. Due to its location on a prominent corner site, this project anticipates Vancouver’s laneways as inviting passages, lined with residences, planting, and programming, while providing a visual and pedestrian connection to the nearby Cambie Park. A mix of unit typologies allows for a variety of residents, creating a dynamic environment with lots of visual interest.